The commission
fee / handling charge (total of 450.00 Euro) is due, as soon as the guest's
family and the Au-Pair have signed a contract. For an Au-Pair stay of
less than 10 months we calculate 225.00 Euro (handling fee) plus 20.00
Euro commission fee for each month the Au-Pair stay in the family. For
the mediation documents, for guest's family which has searched itself
an Au-Pair, we calculate a handling fee of 225.00 Euros. For 'Umvermittlungen',
loyalty discounts and own recruitments of the guest's families other,
prices individually to be arranged can be agreed. Host parents who obtained
an Au-Pair through our agency within the last 24 months get a 20% discount
on the next placement.
- Blackboards
(An Au-Pair changing families while still holding a valid visa)
- 380,-
Euro with more than 9 months remaining
- 300,-
Euro with 9 to 7 months remaining
- 260,-
Euro with less than 7 months remaining
- 200,-
Euro for own placement
As a
family, you must expect the following approximate monthly costs:
compensation for the Au-Pair: 260.00 €
b) health
insurance: approx. 30.00 €
c) ... and the Au-Pair lives and eats with you